The great Temple of El-Gabal in Emesa
Los 1498
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Emesa. Uranius Antoninus, usurper, 253-254. AE (Bronze, 31 mm, 18.15 g, 1 h), SE 565 = 253/4. AYTO K COYΛΠ ANTⲰNINOC CЄ Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Uranius Antoninus to right, seen from behind. Rev. ЄMICⲰN - KOΛΩN / ЄΞΦ Baetyl of El-Gabal, decorated with eagle standing facing with wings spread, between two parasols; all within hexastyle temple; in pediment, crescent. Baldus 38-42. BMC 24. R. Delbrueck: Uranius of Emesa, in NC 8 (1948), Series I, 2. Very rare and unusually attractive, a lovely example with clear details. Somewhat rough, otherwise, good very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The reverse of this interesting issue shows the great Temple of El-Gabal in Emesa, the main place of worship for the local ancient god whose high priest was Uranius Antoninus-Sampsigeramos. The name El-Gabal consists of the semitic words 'ilaha' and 'gabal', which translate as 'god' and 'mountain'. Thus, El-Gabal originally was a mountain god, who was worshipped in the form of a baetyl or baitylos (from Aramaic 'bet el' = 'house of the god'), a holy stone which the emperor Elagabalus (218-222) - himself a high priest of El-Gabal - famously had transported to Rome (see below, lots 1647-1648). However, the foreign religion with its exotic practices sparked great outrage in the capital and the baetyl was eventually brought back to Emesa after the assassination of Elagabalus in 222.
1500 CHF
1200 CHF
3800 CHF
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